Salt Ice-cream - Okinawa

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Salt Ice-cream - Okinawa

Ice cream should be sweet! There should be plenty of sugar. But Okinawa has a unique of Ice cream. Its selling point is added salt. This is a salty ice cream.  That is because Okinawa is formed a set of islands. You can imagine there are a plenty of ocean, therefore a lot of sea water.  Many Many years ago, Okinawa people evaporated sea water to make salt. That become the great goods from Okinawa. That is the reason, a lot of shops make Ice cream with their ocean salt! 

I bought a cup of ice cream from a store in Kokusai Dori Street. I like that. Although ice cream added sea salt, I still tasted that is sweet, just less sweet. That was amusing, sweet is mixed with salty.  That is so unique. So you must try it if you visit Okinawa.